The only thing that seems to work is > xm. mydata ET.tostring (root, encoding'utf-8', method'xml')myfile open('test1.xml', 'wb')myf. The latest release works with all CPython versions from 2.6 to 3.5. lxml is used due to its superior resistance to XML attacks, as well as XML canonicalization and namespace orga-nization features. It is unique in that it combines the speed and XML feature completeness of these libraries with the simplicity of a native Python API, mostly compatible but superior to the well-known ElementTree API. ElementTree SignXML uses thelxmlElementTree library, not theElementTree from Python’s standard library, to work with XML. This is a module reimplemented specifically for MicroPython standard library, with efficient and lean design in mind. I already tried to so many things: > xm. xm._class_( xm._copy_( xm._deepcopy_( xm._delattr_( xm._delitem_( xm._dir_( xm._doc_ xm._eq_( xm._format_( xm._ge_( xm._getattribute_( xm._getitem_( xm._getstate_( xm._gt_( xm._hash_( xm._init_( xm._le_( xm._len_( xm._lt_( xm._ne_( xm._new_( xm._reduce_( xm._reduce_ex_( xm._repr_( xm._setattr_( xm._setitem_( xm._setstate_( xm._sizeof_( xm._str_( xm._subclasshook_( xm.append( xm.clear( xm.extend( xm.find( xm.findall( xm.findtext( xm.get( xm.getchildren( xm.getiterator( xm.insert( xm.items( xm.iter( xm.iterfind( xm.itertext( xm.keys( xm.makeelement( xm.remove( xm.set( 2.3XML parsing security and compatibility with xml.etree.